Monday, February 18, 2008

The Mom's Group

I started a Mom's Group for our two churches back in September of last year as a "trial". I have found that this group has become very dear to my heart and such a tremendous blessing. I prayed that if God would send just two moms to our group I would pour everything into them. God answered my prayer and then some, give me contact with sixteen gals. I am so thankful for each and every one of the mothers. I pray for them daily and for myself. I am not perfect and this is my first commitment to something I feel God is leading me to be a part of, (that I'm doing on my own). If you think of me, pray for me: for courage and wisdom, because what I thought was just a trial has now become a journey.

Below is the annual report that I submitted to our church:

Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.
Psalm 31:28

The Mom’s Group is a ministry of the Immanuel Reformed Presbyterian Church not only to the mothers of both the IRPC and the Lafayette RPC, but also as an outreach ministry to the mothers of the entire community.

Our Mission is to:
· unify, strengthen, encourage, and embrace one another as sisters in Christ
· grow as Godly mothers in faith and wisdom
· lift up one another
· be a testimony of our faith and love in Christ Jesus, to all we come in contact with
bring God glory

We meet at 7:00pm the second and the fourth Tuesday of the month at Lafayette RPC with babysitting being provided for those who need it.

We open the evening with prayer and then have dessert where we discuss any upcoming community/church events along with any relative announcements from the churches represented. Following this we have our time of faith and fellowship. We are currently working through the book, “The Mom You’re Meant to Be” by Cheri Fuller. We cover two chapters each meeting. We encourage, but do not require these chapters to be read prior to the meeting. We then close the meeting with prayer, asking for requests from the group, and then always remembering to pray for our children in a specific area of their life. To aid in this, we are using a prayer list from the book “The Power of a Praying Parent” by Stormie OMartian.

Currently, there are sixteen moms the group has contact with on a regular basis, twelve of which attend regularly. Also, of the moms that attend, we have been blessed to have five from the surrounding community. We welcome any and all moms who want to attend.

Romans 12:15 says “Rejoice with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep.”
The goals set last year for the group were simple goals, but some of the most important. We wanted to create a unity and bond between all of the mothers through openly sharing our strengths and struggles. Also, we wanted to establish a foundation of knowledge and love, built upon our Lord and savior. It was such a wonderful gift to see all the mothers share tears in times of sadness, laughter in stories of our children and lean on one another in times of struggles.

The goals set for the upcoming year, having accomplished the goals set for last year, are to start implementing activities during the meetings to help all the mothers grow in wisdom and godliness.

Proverbs 22:6 says, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it..” It is a difficult task that God has graciously granted to all the mothers, while here on earth, to raise His children. I ask that you pray for our mothers for strength during the days that seem long, patience with the child that is having difficulties, understanding and clarity for the things the Lord is teaching to help raise His children.

2 thoughts from friends:

Tracy said...

I was part of a group like this in Pennsylvania. It was wonderful!

Aubs said...

I will most definatly pray for you Jean Marie....what a blessing that God is able to work through you to minister to those mothers! Love and blessings to you!